The financing incomes for subsequent periods shall be recognized on the basis of the revised net investment in the lease and the recalculated implicit interest rate. 以后各期根据修正后的租赁投资净额和重新计算的租赁内含利率确认融资收入。
Removing implicit subsidies to rents and interest rates would cut many firms'profits and stir opposition. 切断对租金和利率的隐形补贴会使很多公司无法盈利,引发抗议。
Implicit in their questions was concern that Congress ignored the point of the Copyright Clause and instead acted to protect the interest of a few powerful groups. 他们的疑问中暗示的事实是国会忽略了著作权条款中的要点,转而保护少数强大的团体的利益。
In ethical decision making, man shows only bounded ethicality, like over-claiming credit, implicit discrimination, in-group favoritism, over-discounting the future and conflicts of interest. 在伦理决策中人们具有有限道德,包括沽名钓誉、内隐偏见、内群体互惠、漠视未来以及利益冲突。
Equity capital is relatively dear for banks, which benefit from an implicit state guarantee on their debt finance as well as the tax breaks on interest payments enjoyed by all firms. 股票是银行的相当亲的亲人,银行能像所有公司获得利息减税优惠那样从他们的放债中得到利益,这点毫无疑问绝对是受政府保护的。
He worries that if you lose the implicit subsidies by increasing interest rates or revaluing the local currency these fabulous profit margins will vanish. 佩蒂斯担心,假如因为加息或币值重估,隐性补贴不复存在,高得惊人的利润率也将荡然无存。
Actuarial Analysis of Implicit Pension debt in Social Pension System with Stochastic Interest Rate Convertible Bonds Pricing with Reset Clauses under the Stochastic Interest Rate 随机利率下社会养老保险隐性债务的精算分析
The size of implicit pension debt depends on the coverage of the urban and township pension insurance, the number of retirees, age structure of participants, level of pension payment, retirement age and guaranteed interest rate, etc. 隐性养老金债务的大小主要取决于养老保险覆盖面、退休人数、年龄结构、养老金给付水平、退休年龄以及预定利率等因素。
During this process, Implicit curriculum can develop imagination, train fine quality, excite interest, temper will, cultivate emotion of mould, and so on. 在此过程中,内隐课程能起到发展想象力、培养优良品质、激发兴趣、陶冶情感、磨练意志等作用。
The results of model analysis show that when the firms have very weak explicit governance mechanisms, the implicit control mechanism inside a firm may prevent the managerial moral hazard fairly well, and ensure managerial decisions aligned with the interest of shareholders. 在企业显性治理机制不完善的情况下,内部隐性控制机制可有效地预防经营者的道德风险,确保经营者的决策与股东利益的一致。
Personalized information service systems widely search and acquire user information in both explicit and implicit ways, and construct user profile describing their interests according to this information. The more precise the interest description is, the more accurate information can be supplied to the user. 个性化信息服务系统通过显式和隐式两种方法最广泛搜集获取用户的信息,根据这些信息构造用户兴趣描述,兴趣描述越准确,系统提供给用户的信息就越符合用户的需求。
At present, main factors affecting the scale of implicit pension debt in China are interest rates, demography, debt repayment time and average growth rate of wages. 当前影响我国养老保险隐性债务规模的主要因素为利率、人口年龄结构、偿还债务的时间以及社会平均工资增长率。
Idioms and has vivid, simple plain, refined accurate, implicit humor language features, etc. It is in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, especially vocabulary part of the key and difficult, but also students 'interest. 惯用语同时具有形象生动、简单平实、精炼准确、含蓄幽默等语言特点。
Implicit learning, Some schools 'equipment and teachers are seriously inadequate and can not be solved in a short time. Then it can be carried out in schools through the form of interest classes or associations. 隐性学习方式:有些学校场地、器材、师资都严重不足,一段时间内无法解决的,可以在学校通过兴趣班或者社团形式开展。
The forward interest rate which implicit in the different period inter-bank lending rate, decomposes the target interest rate adjustment into expected part and unexpected part. 利用不同期限同业拆借利率中隐含的远期利率将目标利率分解为预期到部分和未预期部分。